We are Certified B Corp

We are so proud to be leading the way as a B Corp™ Certified business and retailer

In 2017, Flora & Fauna became one of the first retailers in Australia to earn a Certified B Corporation accreditation - a super proud moment for us!

More recently in 2021 we recertified and bumped our industry leading score up by an extra four points… from 87 to 91.

As a purpose-led business, becoming a B Corp was always on the cards for us on our F&F journey.

But what exactly does it mean to be a Certified B Corporation?

B Corp certification is to business what Fair Trade certification is to coffee or USDA Organic certification is to skincare.

Basically, B Corps are a force for good.  They realise that rather than just simply making a profit, a business should strive for more - to work towards solving social and environmental problems as well.  Profit and purpose goes hand in hand for a B Corp business.

So we’re pretty pleased to say we’re now in great company… Since launching in 2006 there are now over 700 B Corps in Australia, and more than 6000 worldwide.

Why Did We Become a B Corp?

We knew who we were and our purpose before we’d even started Flora & Fauna; we wanted to use Flora & Fauna to make change - to be a platform with a purpose.

We’ve always worked hard to improve what we do, so that we can be the best possible business we can be and lead the way as a retailer - while encouraging others to make positive changes too.  So becoming a B Corp was the next logical step for us in our journey!

One of the best parts about becoming a B Corp is that we get to be part of a big community of businesses all around the world with similar values and ethics to us.  This means that we can share information and work together to help drive change faster.  Being a B Corp also encourages us to push even further to be the best that we can be and make as much positive impact as we can.

How Did We Become Certified?


Getting certified as a B Corp is definitely not a quick or easy process - but it was worth it.

Flora & Fauna was certified by the non-profit B Lab to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. 

We needed to evaluate how our practices and processes impact our employees, our community, the environment, and our customers. Re-Certification also happens every 3 years so this is very much an ongoing commitment.


What Other Businesses are B Corps?


Today, there are over 7,000 Certified B Corps around the globe, including HealthPost, BioBalance, Sienna, Dr. Bronner's, Preserve, Kester Black, All Birds and Patagonia. 

In Australia, there are over 700 businesses including architects, banks, consumer products and plenty more. You can find a list of B Corp companies here.

Our Products


Here at F&F, we are committed to bringing you the best of products that are:

  • Vegan
  • Cruelty-free
  • Ethically made
  • Low impact

We dig deep into how products are made and if there are any grey areas we won't stock them. Our goal is to bring you innovative, different products that can help your life, health, and commitment to the environment. 

Our Community


But being a B Corp doesn’t stop at looking after the environment, or the products we stock.

One of the greatest powers we have is the ability to help our community. 

Flora & Fauna has a proud history of using our platform for purpose and supporting charities and organisations that need help and that fit with our values and ethics. 

We look forward to introducing new initiatives to make a positive difference - we will keep you posted with our progress!

Our team are part of our community too - we adore them, and support and celebrate diversity. 

We work hard to ensure our workplace is collaborative, open and transparent.  If it doesn’t feel like work, then we’ve done a good job!

We treat our suppliers with respect and see them as valued partners in our journey.  We want to grow with them, and are always transparent.

And of course, we love our industry and often speak at events, educate others and help other retailers where we can.

We'd love more businesses to become B Corps so please find out more here.

A selection of B Corp brands available at Flora & Fauna.

Meeting the highest standard of social and environmental impact. Using business as a force for good.
Tru Earth
Dr Bronner's